Welcome to JoySinger's IDs. We have the finest replicas of ID cards, credentials, badges and many other items that were used both in movies/TV series and by the military and the law enforcement.
In 2011 we begun auctioning replicas of old military IDs on eBay. In 2015 this website was created both to provide a wider offer of products and to cater a better service to our customers.
Today, we are specialized in the reproduction of ID cards and credentials and many other accessories (such as papers, badges, insignia and ribbons) that have been used both in filmmaking and by the military and the law enforcement.
We can offer the best manufacture currently available for these replicas and an incredible accuracy of materials, designs and overall quality of both products and service. Here, you will find the highest quality reproductions and exclusive collectible items that cannot be found elsewhere on the market.
We also strive for an excellent customer care: we are always available to receive and to discuss any questions, requests, doubts and complaints coming from anyone, be them from returning customers or just curious people. We always try to satisfy our customers' needs at the best of our capacities.
Our customization process has been specifically designed to require side-by-side work with the customer, minimalizing the machine-made interaction inbetween: we believe that human interaction prevails on automated processes both in terms of quality of outcome, satisfaction of the parties and even overall profit, even if it takes longer.
Before proceeding with the navigation, please make sure to understand the following point: we cater a service intended for collectors of police and military paraphrenalia, active and retired members of the military and the law enforcement community, fans of movies and TV series, reenactors, cosplayers, filmmakers and propmasters. We do not authorize nor encourage, but instead condemn in any possible way the unauthorized use, the misuse and/or the use against the law of any of the items we produce. Nor we will be available to sell our products indiscriminately. To this purpose, a series of restrictions have been established and are actively enforced. Our items are for collectible or entertainment use only. Our service is addressed to those law-abiding individuals looking to enjoy their passions and hobbies or requiring our services for their legit work activity.
Thanks for stopping at JoySinger's IDs, we wish you a good navigation and we hope you will have a pleasant experience.